Located in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, the Muiscas are recognized as the base of the current population of Fómeque and several municipalities of the East of Cundinamarca, where their peasants are the purest representatives of the indigenous culture and their customs to conserve many of ancestral practices and traditions.
The Muiscas, a town of agricultural and peaceful nature, had a marked religious sense that made it venerate the natural forces that allowed the development and better production of crops. This is how they had great respect for the sun and the moon who represented the figure of male and female under a concept of couple where the universe is shaped by the union of genders and not one.
However our ancestors not only worshiped these two phenomena, but also performed a series of rituals in homage to nature, including the cult of water, where the lagoons and births were the most respected altars of offering to venerate Sie the goddess of water, conceiving what is now known as the geographical jurisdiction of Fómeque as a sacred place due to the large number of lagoons and sieguas (water between hills) that its territory contemplates. For the Muiscas the respect for water and reverence for their sanctuaries permeated and determined their life and customs, being the feminine principle, body and uterus of the mother, since without it no way of life is possible, water depends on everything living beings on the face of the earth.
It is for this reason that tributaban greater respect to throw in them many treasures represented in tunjos, ceramic works, emeralds and all those precious garments that were paid to the goddess to get their favor and protection, because contrary to what you think , gold and emeralds were good prices for our Muiscas but never compared with the value of life or the fertility of land.
After the colonization, the date of foundation of Fómeque as municipal seat is not the degree to establish with clarity, the first versions indicate that it was founded by Miguel de Ibarra on November 23, 1594, however other sources refer the foundation of Fómeque on June 16, 1600 by Luis Enriquez.